Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you today? Are you fine? What date is it today? What is the weather like today?
2. Актуализация знаний
Now please, look at the board and try to guess what we are going to speak about.
(Watch the video)
Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is?
Ok, thank you for your good ideas; let’s check if you are right. Look at the cloud and the word combinations. What is the topic of our lesson?
(облако слов, разработанное на базе интернет-ресурса "tagul.com")
The topic of our lesson is HOUSEWORK.
3.Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
What do you think we will do with these words at the lesson?
Learn new words
Make up sentences
Read and translate
Do exercises
Speak how to help parents at home
3.Фонетическая зарядка
And now we start working with new words. But first of all let’s warm up our tongues!
Songs, spring songs, singing spring songs, birds singing spring songs, listening to birds singing spring songs.
My mother; my mother and father; my mother, father and brother; my mother, father and brother go bathing; my mother, father and brother go bathing together; my mother, father and brother go bathing together in any weather.
4. Первичное усвоение новых знаний
Well! Soon we will have one of the most wonderful holidays in our country. Do you know what holiday it is? What holiday do we celebrate on the 8th of March? It’s Women’s Day! Do you like this holiday? Are you going to get ready for this holiday? Of course we would like to surprise our mums and help them about the house. Let's start getting ready and speak about housework in your families.
And now listen, read and repeat the word combinations which we’ll use during all our lesson. Try to remember them!
Озвучка –картинка (Презенация Power Point, введение новой лексики)
1. do the washing up
2. do the dusting
3. do the cooking
4. do the hoovering
5. do the laundry
6. do the ironing
7. do the shopping
8. water the plants
9. sweep the floor
10. mop the floor
11. make the bed
12. feed the cat
13. take out the rubbish
5. Первичная проверка понимания
Wonderful! And now let’s see how you have remembered these words. Let’s make 3 groups. I’ll tell you English phrases and you’ll show me the pictures which you see on your desks. Let’s see who is the quickest.
1. do the washing up
2. do the dusting
3. do the cooking
4. do the hoovering
5. do the laundry
6. do the ironing
7. do the shopping
8. water the plants
9. sweep the floor
10. mop the floor
11. make the bed
12. feed the cat
13. take out the rubbish
6.Первичное закрепление
And now take these cards, please. You should match the words. Work in pairs. You have 1 minute. (Приложение 1)
Are you ready? Please, read your variants one by one.
Good of you! At home we do different work. Let’s see what the children usually do at home. Let’s choose the correct variants according to the pictures.
You all have cards, look at them. Here you can see 4 letters: a,b,c,d. On the screen you will see a question and 4 answers to this question. The variant which you thinк is correct should be at the top of the card! Your answers I will fix with my phone! Do you understand? Well, we can start!
(Закрепление материала проходит при помощи онлайн-приложения Plickers. На экране видна картинка, изображающая домашнюю обязанность и 4 варианта ответа, как она называется по-английски. Камерой планшета учитель сканирует поднятые детьми карточки с ответами детей. На карточке стоит номер и 4 буквы (A, B, C, D). Дети поднимают карточку таким образом, чтобы буква правильного ответа оказалась вверху. Таким образом, проверяется, как дети запомнили новую лексику. Результаты теста мгновенно выводятся на экран).
And now what about you? (ответы на вопросы)
Do you make your bed every morning?
Do you do the washing up every day?
Do you do the cooking ?
Can you cook?
Do you like cooking?
Does your mother do the dusting?
Does your father do the hovering?
Have you got a pet? What is it? Do you feed it?
Work in groups
I think all members in your families have different duties. I want to know what the members of your family do at home.
You will work in 3 groups. Each group has its own special cluster. The 1st group will write what your mothers usually do at home, the 2nd - what your fathers do and the 3rd group – what the children usually do at home. You can also use the pictures to do your clusters! Be ready to tell us about your ideas. Is everything clear? You have 2 minutes. (Приложение 2)
And now let’s present your works! Come to the blackboard and tell us about your ideas!
As for me I have a lot of work at home: I usually do the cooking, the laundry, I mop the floor and feed my cat. But I am never tired of my housework! Why? I do it with pleasure. Let’s play a merry game! (Физкультминутка)
Well done! Sit down!
You know I’ve got a lot of pen friends from GB. Yesterday I got a letter from Sam Black. But it was spoiled when I was watering my flowers. Can you help me to read it and answer his questions? (Приложение 3)
(And now who is ready to read it aloud?)
7. Домашнее задание.
1) Read and complete the letter and write the answers to Sam’s questions
2) Do a project «Housework in my family»
If you want you can choose one of these tasks.
Oh, our lesson is coming to the end. What have we done at our lesson?
Have we learned new words?
Have we made up sentences?
Have we read and translated?
Have we done exercises?
Have we spoken how to help our parents at home?
Please tick in your self assessment cards, what you can or cannot do. Don’t forget about your marks 5 or 4. (Приложение 4)
How clever you are!
Thank you for your good work at the lesson. I hope you are ready to speak about housework in your families and if you want to surprise your mums please do any housework with great pleasure! Good bye! |