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Внеурочное учебное занятие по теме "Chenistry. Oxigen@
[ Скачать с сервера (6.59 Mb) ] 21.11.2016, 18:22

Тема : Chemistry. Oxigen.(Химия. Кислород)
Тип урока: комбинированный урок
повторить материал по теме «Кислород» в рамках изучения иностранного языка по методике CLIL.
1. обеспечить усвоение учащимися теорий, законов, понятий, фактов, признаков, особенностей и т.д.;
2. повторить, систематизировать, обобщить знания по заданной теме;
3. сформировать умения, навыки использования английского языка;
4. устранить пробелы в знаниях.
Воспитательные: формирование у учащихся таких черт характера, как трудолюбие, гуманность, дисциплинированность, ответственность, аккуратность, положительное отношение к учёбе.
1. развитие у учащихся умения анализировать, сравнивать, обобщать учебный материал;
2. развитие познавательных умений - слушать, выделять главное, составлять план, тезисы, конспекты, делать опыты, наблюдать, ставить проблемы и решать их, выдвигать гипотезы и т.д.
Ход урока
Организация начала занятия
Good afternoon my dears. Today we are to continue studying revising chemistry. At this lesson you’ll do one experiment by your own. But first of all let’s check your homework. So, take paste-boards. Now I’ll ask some questions and if you know the right answer, please, show me the green side. If you don’t know, show the red one. So, let’s start:
1. What chemical element is the most widespread in the world?
2. What is the consistence of oxygen?
3. What is the difference between oxygen and air?
4. Why oxygen is dangerous for people/
5. Is there any oxygen in water?
6. When will oxygen end?
7. What will we get if we combine oxygen and hydrogen?
Well done! Now I’m going to show you something very interesting. Your task is to look at the experiment and at the end comment it. (Teacher makes the experiment). So, could you tell me what has happened? Excellent! Now tell me please what should we speak about? Great!
Усвоение новых знаний
You’ll make the experiment, but first of all you should get some new words. Look at the papers that are on your tables. Let’s try to read them. (Teacher reads the words, the others repeat after him).

Первичная проверка понимания
Now I want know how you understand these words. Look at your tablets, please. You can see there a file that is called like “CROSSWORD”. Open it, please.
Your task is to solve a crossword puzzle. You should use the words that are given on list and that we learned the last lesson. You’ve got 7 minutes.

Закрепление знаний и способов действий
Well done! So, let’s proceed to our experiment. You are to get the oxygen like it is at the video in your tablets. Also, you’ve got printed instructions on your table.
Everything that you need is next to you. If you’ve got problems then raise your hands. You should work in pairs.
Обобщение и систематизация знаний
Very good. So, as you can see it wasn’t very difficult. But now you’ll have the most difficult one. Look at these papers. You should fill in the information that you’ve got during the experiment.
If your kindling will burn again it means that everything was done correctly.
Контроль и самопроверка знаний
Now, please, take the tablets one more time and open file “TEST”. You’ve got 3 minutes to do the test.(pupils do the test on tablets).
The last task for you. You can see the remote controls on your desks. Would you be so kind to score your work at the lesson. Thank you.
Now put the mark for the lesson. Thank you.
Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению
So, the lesson is coming to the end that’s why write down your homework. You are to make a project according to our theme. The theme of project work is : “How can we get oxygen in different situations”.
OK. The lesson is over, thank you for your attention. Good bye!

Категория: Номинация 3 | Добавил: le_noir91
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