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Урок английского языка по теме "Семейные проблемы"
[ · Скачать удаленно (52.2 МБ) ] 29.11.2013, 18:13
Тип учебного занятия: урок систематизации и обобщения нового материала
В ходе занятия применялись технологии: проблемное обучение
Использовались следующие методы обучения:
 по источникам знаний: практические, словесные;
 по характеру познавательной деятельности: исследовательские.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, ноутбук
• Средства наглядности: презентации, видеоролик, текст песни
• ТСО мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук, экран, звуковые колонки.
• Раздаточный материал карточки для работы на местах.
 способствовать осознанию основной терминологии по теме;
 развивать речевые умения на основе творческого использования усвоенного ранее материала в новых проблемных ситуациях
 развивать способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, т.е. развитие коммуникативной компетенции
 развивать мышление, умение анализировать, извлекать из текста необходимую информацию
 воспитание чувства ответственности за результаты своего труда;
 воспитание умения работать в коллективе;
 через содержание учебного занятия подвести обучающихся к выводу о том, что проблемы есть практически во всех семьях, практически все они решаемы;
 подвести обучающихся к осознанию семейных ценностей.

Структура занятия
• организационный этап;
• этап подготовки обучающихся к активному усвоению знаний;
• этап обобщения и систематизации изученного;
• заключительный этап.
Ход проведения занятия
1. Организационный момент
T.: Good morning, my dear students! I'm glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson. You told me about your families last year, we‘ve spoken about it this year. You’ve said “My family is happy”, “I am happy with my family” but tell me what family is happy? What is your opinion?
2. Этап подготовки обучающихся к активному усвоению знаний
T.: Look at the screen and read the proverb about family.
(через мультимедийный проектор на экран выводится пословица)
A happy family is but an earlier heaven
Find the Russian proverb with the same meaning. And today we’ll continue to work with the theme “Family”. But what shall we speak about? You’ll know after the word exercise.
2. Речевая разминка
T.: Work in groups. Take the card №1. Match the definitions with the words. Use transcription to read the words. I give you 5 minutes.
Card №1
Match the definitions with the words:
1. Penalty for doing wrong.
2. One of nature's masterpieces
3. What there is between one thing/person/idea and another or others.
4. Intellectually and emotionally mature.
5. When a husband and wife decide not to live together anymore
6. Shared understanding.
7. To express disagreement.
8. Failure to understand correctly.
9. The difference in ideas, feelings and interests between older and younger people, especially considered as causing lack of understanding. a. family breakdown [‘fæmılı ‘breıkdaun]
b. adults [‘ædʌlt]
c. punishment [‘pʌnıʃmənt]
d. generation gap [,ʤenə’reıʃn ‘gæp]
e. misunderstanding [‘misʌndə‘stændıŋ]
f. relationship [ri’leıʃn,ʃıp]
g. mutual understanding
[‘mju:tjuəl ‘ʌndə‘stændıŋ]
h. to argue [tu ‘a:gju:]
i. family[‘fæmılı]
(Проверка через проектор на экране)
Т.: Read the words with the sound [ʃ], [d ], [ʤ].
What theme do you associate these words and definitions?
Family, relationship in a family, problems
T.: You are correct! And the theme of our lesson is
Family problems
(через проектор на экране)
3. T.: Leo Tolstoy said many years ago. All happy families are alike, but every unhappy one is unhappy in its own way
Do you agree with him? What are the most common topics of arguing in families?
- other family
- generation gap
- family breakdown
- misunderstanding
- alcoholism
- money
T.: Yes, there are many problems. But today we’ll speak only about three main ones: (появляются поочерёдно на экране)
generation gap
family breakdown
money problems
T.: So, our plan for the lesson: (появляется поочерёдно на экране)
1. Learn the most important family problems
2. Find the ways of the solving family problems
T. Read the text of the song “Family portrait” and think of the problems mentioned in the text. (текст распечатан для каждого)
Well. Let’s watch the video and listen to the song. I think, it’ll be easier to understand the meaning of its problem.
Video (через проектор)
T.: Name the problem (family breakdown)
One man said: “A family breakdown is a small death” Each marriage breakdown means pain. Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles in the cold. But in our country every second couple separates. The first group of students has learnt this family problem. Let’s listen to them.
The first project – Family breakdown
(обучающиеся защищают свой проект при помощи мультимедийной презентации)
Thank you for your work! Have you got any questions?
Т.: Well, thank you!
T.: My dear, what is the main thing to save the family?
(love each other)
Yes. But I think it’s the most difficult thing and at the same time it’s the easiest thing. Do you agree with me?
T.: Well, the second group of our students has worked with the problem about money. Please, come to the blackboard
The second project – Money problems
(обучающиеся защищают свой проект при помощи мультимедийной презентации)
T.: Thank you for your work! Have you got any questions?
T.: I dare say that almost all families - happy and unhappy - have the same problem. It has been known since Turgenev's time. In his novel he came to the conclusion that the problem really exists. What do we call this problem? (Ss: generation gap.) What is the name of his novel? (Fathers and Sons)
T.: And the last group has learnt this problem. At first let’s listen to the dialogue. Judy Carter is arguing with her parents. Listen to the conversation. What are five things they are arguing about?
Take a piece of paper and write them.
Dialogue :
Mother: Where are you going, Judy?
Judy: Out.
Mother: Yes, but where?
Judy: I’m going to see some friends. Okay?
Mother: But you’ve got school tomorrow and it’s late.
Judy: It’s not late. It’s 9.30.
Mother: It’s too late to go out. And anyway, what about the story you have to
write for English?
Judy: I’ve written it.
Mother: Are you sure? I don’t think you do enough for school. Well, anyway,
you can’t go out like that.
Judy: Why not?
Mother: Your skirt is far too short.
Judy: Oh, okay. I’ll put my jeans on.
Mother: And you must be home by eleven.
Judy: By eleven! But mum, its 9.30 now.
Mother: Well, as I say, you’ve got school tomorrow. I had to be home by 10
When I was your age, so you’ve got nothing to complain about.
Judy: That was hundreds of years ago. Things are different now.
Father: Don’t be rude, Judy! You mustn’t speak to your mother like that.
Go on, apologies.
Judy: Oh, okay. I’m sorry. Is that okay? Can I go now?
Father: Yes, you can go out but remember, no later than 11 and put
something else on.
Judy: Oh, okay.
T.: Who can find 5 things of their arguing? Hands up!
Well, you’ve had to find:
(going out at night, homework, clothes and appearance, coming home late, politeness).
And now your project, my dear.
The third project – Generation gap
(обучающиеся защищают свой проект при помощи мультимедийной презентации)
T.: Thank you for your work! Have you got any questions?
In the last project it was advice only to your parents. I see you believe that only they are the cause of your misunderstanding. But I sure you can do something for solving these problems
Teacher: Think what can you do to solve them. Work in groups. You may use card 2 and card 3. Use different ways of forbidding and permitting. Write a set of basic rules for teens (as if you were parents).
(работа в группах)
T.: Read your basic rules for teens.
T.: Your advice is very serious and useful. Thank you for good work!
T.: We’ve spoken much about families, we’ve spoken about happy families and unhappy ones, about their problems and we’ve tried to found the ways of solving these problems. And now tell me what is the difference between a happy family and an unhappy?
T.: I agree with you! Most families find that they face almost the same problems, and still they are different in many ways. But if you love you will solve you will solve any problem! A family in that there is understanding and love is named a happy family. And now I'm sure you have become highly qualified specialists in the sphere of family relationships.
4. Your homework is to make up 5 rules for saving the family.
1. Was it interesting for you to discuss the theme of family problems?
2. What was the most difficult for you on the lesson?
3. Would you like to continue discussing the theme of family problems?
T: I thank you for your sincerity and creativity, for your good work. Our lesson is over. Good-bye!
Категория: Номинация 2 | Добавил: Olka
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